Greetings in the name of Jesus! This is a continuing effort on my part to make available to family, friends, and any other poor unfortunate souls that run across this, some of the thoughts that run through my mind regarding sermon preparation, newsletter articles, random thoughts (of which there are many), and generally how God is working in my life. I hope to post at least once a week but I'm not promising that.

So welcome to it.

Post Script:
A couple of people have asked me about the address. When I was putting this together I was preparing for sermons from the 6th chapter of John where Jesus refers to himself as "The Bread of Life" and these are passages that I strongly identify with. So artos is bread and zoe is life (roughly) and to quote Forrest, "That's all I have to say about that."

Monday, January 4, 2010

Thinking Along the Same Lines

I heard a radio broadcast this past week from Dr. David Jeremiah that caught my attention. I think it's another good way for us to think about what "Living the Promise" might mean; or at least enable us to come at it from another angle. He's doing a series called "Preparing for a High Definition Life." The gist of the message I heard assures us that as people who live in a relationship with Jesus experience life with more clarity and color. In my words it's more real and has greater impact than what the world without that relationship with God experiences. I'll be chewing on his analogy for a while and hope you will too.

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